A Tree Removal Company can be a huge asset to your home or business, but sometimes they become diseased or just too frail to support themselves. Tree removal services are often needed for these types of situations.
The following is a list of the ten most common mistakes you will want to avoid when hiring a tree service company:
1.Hiring based on price alone Tree Removal Company
There are many factors to consider when choosing a company for tree removal services. However, the most important is not price, but rather the type of service being offered.
Be sure to ask about all of your options regarding the size and species of tree that needs to be removed, whether or not stump grinding or seeding will take place, what kinds of tools will be used to provide the tree services Sydney, and if it is possible for debris removal or firewood to be taken care of as well.
2.Choosing a company that doesn’t have the proper equipment
Tree removals can be very dangerous jobs that require a great deal of skill to perform safely. As such, it is important that the equipment used by your potential provider be both well-maintained and up-to-date.
You will want to look for companies that have chippers, stump grinders, cranes, bucket trucks, and other necessary machinery at their disposal. If the call for heavy equipment such as bucket trucks, chippers, grinders, cranes, etc. isn’t met with a confident “yes,” move on to the next company.
3.Not asking about permits
All of the proper legal permissions must be obtained before work begins on your property. Ask if their workers are properly licensed and insured for tree removal services in your area, what kinds of training they have undergone to perform the work, and if it is necessary for permits or licenses to be acquired before starting.
4.Not checking references
This type of job is risky enough without working with an unproven company. Take time to check references so that you can be sure your workers are experienced in safe tree removal practices. Ask for references from past customers in your area, if applicable.
5.Not getting everything in writing
Never sign a contract that doesn’t include all of the terms and conditions involved. Be specific about what you want and take notes on what was discussed during negotiations to avoid any future disputes. Things like removal time frame, payment information, and other important factors should be included in the contract.
6.Not hiring a company with insurance coverage
Protect yourself and your property by making sure that any company you hire has both liability and worker’s compensation insurance. Their employees should have current first aid, CPR, and safety training certificates as well. Ask to see their certifications before signing anything or giving any payment information.
7.Not having your property inspected for hazards beforehand
It is very risky to have anyone working on your property without giving it a once-over first to make sure there are no hidden dangers present. This includes utility lines, hazardous trees or hanging limbs, or other unexpected problems that could lead to an accident while the work is being completed.
8.Allowing the job to begin before all items are agreed upon
This is one of the biggest mistakes made when hiring any service provider, including tree removal companies. Never start work until you are sure that everything has been decided upon and that you are both in agreement with the terms of service involved. If problems or disagreements arise along the way, you will want to be able to stop work from being done as soon as possible.
9.Hiring a company that asks for payment before the job is finished
There are many good reasons why this practice is never a good idea. For one, it can lead to disputes if something goes wrong or if changes need to be made. Tree removal companies that require full payment before their work is completed are likely very new or inexperienced and could end up taking advantage of you.
10.Not hiring a Tree Removal Company that specializes in your needs
There are many different kinds of tree services Sydney providers available, including those who offer selective pruning, fertilizing, planting, crown reduction, and more. Ask the company you are considering hiring if they specialize in your area of need and what other services they offer so that you can be sure you’ve made the right decision.
If you follow these tips, it will be much easier to find a great tree service provider for your needs. You can get the best tree service if you hire the best service for the trees. Don’t fall into the trap of fake or false claims of the service providers and choose the best one.