At present, these same companies which thought that this social network was not made for them live a real success story thanks to Instagram. The question now is how to generate engagement and gain followers on your Instagram account. In this article, we offer you nine ideas to boost your presence on Instagram and thus retain and develop the community that follows you.
Link all of your social accounts
First of all, even before posting photos on your Instagram account, check that your profile is correctly set up. Add your name, the link to your website, a brief description of your company, your business. Finally, don’t forget to link your Instagram account to your other social accounts like Facebook, Twitter, etc.
By linking these elements, you will find out which people are also present on Instagram.
Do you have a Facebook page? Link it to your Instagram account by following this procedure. Anything you post on Instagram can also be posted on Facebook. You always have the option to avoid this “double posting” if you think your Instagram content is not suitable for your Facebook page.
It’s a very good solution to bring your Facebook fans to your Instagram account.
Publish your Instagram photos on your other networks
When you post photos with a message and tags on Instagram, make sure they share on your other networks as well. However, be careful: if you put many tags on Instagram, this is not necessarily relevant when the same image is published on your Twitter or Facebook account.
The advantage? If people don’t follow you on Instagram and see your posts through another platform, they will potentially come to your Instagram profile and follow you.
Find engaging hashtags for your business
When you add hashtags to your posts on Instagram (if they can be seen publicly), your photo will be found if someone searches for that same hashtag. This is why using the right hashtags is especially important when you want to grow your community. This greatly helps your visibility and helps qualify your followers. Indeed, they are looking for publications corresponding to their centers of interest. If you position yourself on these and if you provide relevant content in relation to this same center of interest, you will unite an interested community around you.
First, find out which hashtags are most used in your field. Look at those used by your competitors. Would you like to be associated with the images that are currently broadcast under the hashtag that interests you? Use at least 2 or 3 hashtags for each post. Make a list of the most relevant hashtags for your business and the most interesting for the development of your community.
You can use tagboard. It allows you to see which publications are made under different hashtags. It also allows you to see which hashtags are the most popular. Without any special tool, you can directly search the keywords on Instagram. The social network offers you different variations to the one chosen. It also shows you the number of posts that are linked to that same hashtag.
Identify your competitors
Once the hashtags to use have been identified, look at what your competitors are doing. What do they post on their account? What hashtags are they using? Which posts work the most for them? Go to their profile to understand their strategy on the social network.
Follow other accounts and “like” other photos
Now that you understand how hashtags work on Instagram, that you have a list of those on which you want to be positioned, look for accounts with common interests to yours, follow them and like some photos or leave some comments benevolent. for more information and growing your Instagram account plz click here
Every time you like a photo, see who else has liked it. Are they people or businesses related to yours? Will you follow these new accounts? What can they bring you? Do they have a large community that you could leverage?
Do a photo contest on Instagram
Now that you’ve started building your fanbase, run contests to attract even more followers. From Instagram, you can choose to develop traffic on your website, you can also encourage engagement by telling your community that, to try your luck, you have to “like”, comment, use a particular hashtag or even tag a friend on the post. When you opt for the latter solution, you expose your brand/business to other Instagram users. It’s a very effective way to introduce yourself little by little to your followers’ followers.
Post engaging photos, at the right time
As with your other social networks, create an Instagram posting schedule. Your followers follow you because they want to get information, news, from you. Stay active! Posting once for an event and not posting for a month is not a strategy to follow if you want to be successful on Instagram.
In addition, study your statistics in order to know which moments are the most promising in terms of engagement for your activity. Compare your different posts and the engagement they have generated: likes, comments… Try to determine the times that serve your communication
Use Instagram Sponsored Ads
Finally, in order to boost your Instagram account, use sponsored ads. With the network now owned by Facebook, the possibilities multiply. For example, you can target your Facebook users through Instagram ads. A boon to gain many followers! Note that Instagram Sponsored Ads are created through Facebook’s Power Editor. You can sponsor Instagram videos, photos, and carousels. New call-to-actions have been implemented on the social network to help advertisers convert.