Have you ever heard of a concept known as the “summer slide”? It’s not the type of fun slide you’d find in a water park or playground, unfortunately. This is a unique slide. No mother wants her child to go down this slide. As summer break approaches, students prepare for the season with little thought for their academics, they will be leaving behind when their backpacks are hung up for the year.
On the other hand, parents and teachers are frequently concerned about the loss of essential skills during the summer, which must be retaught once school resumes. Although not every student is affected by the summer slide, it may observe the general principles in various situations. Learning skills need practice to maintain competence in the skill. There are various ways for Homeschooling Online parents to keep their children’s minds engaged over the summer break, even if they look forward to their time away from school.
To avoid summer slide many online schools like ISberne Online offer summer school that help to engage students. Summer school at ISBerne Online, theOnline Middle School, allows students to catch up, move ahead, and even explore new courses before the academic year begins. The ISBerne Online provides a wide range of teacher-supported summer courses for high school students. The courses are of the same high quality as those provided throughout the academic year, but they have been compressed into four weeks for the summer. This is an excellent way to engage students. On the other hand, it is a perfect chance to get expertise in a weak subject.
Fortunately, kids may use a lot of strategies to avoid the summer slide and have fun while studying all summer at home. But, unfortunately, many families are unaware that only a few minutes a day may have a significant effect. So here’s a list of a few easy activities that families may perform together to keep everyone learning.
- Estimate, predict, and organize during everyday activities such as grocery shopping, watching movies, or completing home tasks. Students require all three of these talents to be successful academically.
- Play games and puzzles with your friends. Board games need concentration and creativity, whereas puzzles necessitate collaboration, creativity, and focus.
- Choose a theme and build a scrapbook using a variety of mediums. Whether the subject is a hobby, a family history, or the student’s life narrative, learning occurs at every stage of the process: selecting materials, designing pages, and completing the project.
- Send a letter to a pen pal. Students will not only learn about other cultures, but they will also have the opportunity to practice authentic written expression.
- Build a fort, a dam over a creek, a tree home, a robot, a sandcastle, cardboard box toys, bedsheet campsites, or other crafts. All of them, at the very least, need inspiration, preparation, and foresight.
- Keep a picture record of a special family occasion, such as a vacation or reunion. Students may become family record keepers by using a camera, a pencil, and paper.
According to studies, children can lose up to 25% of their reading abilities during the summer, which can substantially influence their ability to return to school in the fall.
- Make the most of the resources available at your local library. According to Scholastic Novels, reading only six books during the summer may go a long way toward keeping children on track when they return to school. Regular trips to the library are one method to guarantee that your children continue to read over the summer. Many libraries provide summer reading programs that push people to read a particular number of books before the end of the summer. Many libraries go above and beyond the stacks to provide reading programs, lecture series, and guest lecturers on a wide range of topics that will appeal to students of all ages.
Another topic that gets forgotten in the summer bustle is math. According to the study, children lose around two months of math abilities during the summer if they do not participate in some educational activity. Furthermore, according to research, math losses are even larger than reading losses, causing math instructors to devote substantial time to review rather than new subjects at the start of the year.
Fortunately, kids who wish to keep their math abilities over the summer have a variety of choices. The following are some suggestions for parents who want to include math learning into their summer activities:
- Encourage kids to take risks in math or science that will help them improve their academic capabilities while also teaching them vital skill sets.
- Search for summer camps that use math skills, such as robotics or space camps.
- Encourage a student to assist others in math areas in which he is proficient.
- Assist struggling students in locating remedial summer assignments that will help them improve their abilities.
- Calculate the amount of water in the city pool to illustrate how to use math in daily activities.
- Allow teens to participate in trip planning by creating a budget, calculating gasoline requirements, or calculating the distance between locations.
All of this shows that learning throughout the summer does not have to be boring. On the contrary, finding fun methods to motivate children to learn during the summer might be crucial to their success.