Listening to music might just be the favorite part of the day for many people. We all love grooving to the trendy beats as if there is a battle going on. Or on a more personal level, the innocence we portray when we are all broken down and there is a sad song playing in the background. That head over the window, rain pouring down feeling cannot be matched with anything other than good music.
But isn’t it all fun and games until you cannot access your playlist? Or worse, you cannot find good music for the ride! If you are not grooving during the road trip, then what are you really doing, you know? Touch Tunes has always been there to help with that. It is in the name, after all. You want to listen to some blast off the radio song? Hit that button!
But wait. We are not here to talk about the player. We are here to talk about the hidden features not known to people! Touch Tunes is a widely known platform. It is used by many, and it hosts some very popular songs that can turn anyone into a DJ! But did you know about these things when you last used Touch Tunes?
Amp up the Jukebox Experience!
Are you a fan of the old jukebox? The way the boom box blows up with songs from the past! Oh, the nostalgia! Or when you’re favorite tune hits the club, and you just know there is someone out there with your taste. The fandom love needs to be out!
With Touch Tunes, you can make this experience better. It allows you to modify the jukebox experience by showing you the playlists of the nearest ones. This way, you can stay and change the playlist or go to the location that has the best songs lined up for the people. Interesting, right?!
Credits Give You Authority
You are probably wondering isn’t that what every application is out there saying? Yes, they are. But it is the hard truth. Getting more credits will give you the authority that only premium users enjoy!
With Touch Tunes credits, you can get your favorite song higher on the list, so it gets played before any of the boring choices. Isn’t that a jar of power you would want to hold? We all know how long these waiting for your song to get played lines can be. But hey, there is a catch. You can get the touchtunes promo code to get more of these credits! For free! Yes, that is free power.
Find a Good Venue
It is not just the jukebox experience that you will be improving. You can find the perfect venue that will match your music taste with the Touch Tunes jukebox. There is no need to spend your time, waiting for your song to get played. It can take too much of your time and who knows what your mood might be then?
The only way to fix that is to go to the location whose playlist will match your mood. And what better way to do that than by checking out the playlist before you visit that venue? Touch Tunes is here to make lives and hangouts easier!
Get Help in Spanish!
What? Is that even written right? Yes, it is! We take proofreading very seriously out here and we won’t be making any hard claims to trouble you lot. Spanish customer representatives have taken hold of the phone and if you are testing out your Spanish or are proud of your strong roots then hit that button up to get Spanish help.
You probably won’t be needing any help with the application. It is quite easy to use and has reported not many bugs. If you are an avid user, you would know the deal anyway. However, if trouble does hit up your door, you know what to do!
Mix Up the Spotify Playlist
The great thing about this application is that you can sync your Spotify account with the Touch Tunes! Did you know that? It is a game changer for many! The playlist that Spotify makes for your personalized taste or the songs that you hit the like button on are those special tunes that makes your heart swoon.
And you cannot let those songs rusting up in your Spotify account when you can blast them off at the jukebox. Now, that would be crazy and the only crazy that should be on everyone’s bucket list is the soulful beat that hits your soul.
Final thoughts
Did you know about any of these hidden features? Or was something new to you? We hope your Touch Tunes experience can be much better now with these features out in the open! Good music to you fellas!