Universities make students complete self-reflective assignments on regular intervals. But generally, these assignments consist of two analysis essay. Essay1and Essay 2.
The assignment is regarding the student’s experience in the first essay and how a new essay is formed out of the experience of the first essay. Students follow many analysis essay examples to write this reflective assignment. This blog suggests some relevant importance of self-reflective assignment between two essays.

What is a self-reflection essay?
When you write a self reflection, you are training to find out the positive takeaways from the essay 1. What are the elements that you must continue to write essay 2 and what changes do you have to introduce to make your points clearer? An analysis essay depends on explanations of methods and figures.
All the analysis essay topics mostly depend on subjective experience of the writer and not any display of figures
A method of self-judgment
The assignment is important for the value judgment it makes about the essays. Your critical analysis essay writing will find its analysis on an equally critical assignment. Maybe you will take cue from one essay and implement it on the next.
This also boasts student’s confidence in writing the next essay. A thorough picture of essay 2 emerges out of studying the first. This is the best way to judge how a critical analysis essay can help seek explanation.
Pattern of the assignment
You can devise the assignment in many patterns but it is best to create a question answer format. This format will reflect in both essay 1 and essay 2. Because you are preparing an assignment which is self-reflective, you are bound to provide a reasonable explanation of the questions. The following paragraph discusses three probable questions and their relevance in the assignment.
Question 1
What is the probable feedback of essay 1 from the assessor while preparing a reflective note on it?
Reason of this question
The question makes students ponder on the highlighted portions of the essay from the assessor. The assessor checks essay 1 and essay 2 separately. So, he will definitely expect the shortcomings of essay 1 not getting reflected on essay 2. This effort takes the student to the teacher and the teacher student relationship gets better.
Question 2
What are the strong points of the student on essay 1? How does it improve essay 2?
Reason for asking the question
This question itself confirms that all in all points of essay 1 does not require changes. Many students may feel their performance is not upto the mark in essay 1. This is a good place where they can come up with their own strengths from essay 1.
It reassures that every student can perform better in essay 2 when they already achieved some feet in essay 1.
Some students may have nothing to showcase in easy 1 as their strength. In such a case the student’s attendance, valuing the lectures, submitting in due date are sufficient positives.
Question 3
What are the strategies of countering the shortcomings?
Reason for asking the question
Sometimes the student may not find any loophole by himself. He is looking through the entire essay 1 and could not source the knowledge gap. In such a case the assessor can predict the strategies the student is coming up with in the second essay.
Whether he is able to comprehend his mistakes and learn from them or not? It will expose their conceptual faults and let them strategize for the next essay.
Question 4
How can the student complete essay 2 and what are its probable steps?
Reason for asking the question
It is expected that essay 2 will be at the end of the academic year. It will feature in the last semester. That is an intense time for a student to study for exams, keep engaged in laboratory works, preparing reports before final submission etc. So, this question will be their extreme help to manage time on essay 2 at a critical juncture of the year. A preparation strategy will only add to the student’s confidence.
A better perspective of the student
Self reflective assignments are meant for increasing your potential to become a better student all the time. From now onwards you will never have a confused mind regarding what to write and what not to write.
Hence, the perspective grows and you form a close relationship with your teacher. You can also look through the lenses of a writer and edit out sentences or paragraphs which might be unnecessary for you in essay 1.
An assessment process for the teacher
Self reflection is not only important for you, it is important for your teacher as well. It’s not possible for the teacher to know each and every one of you personally. This assignment is your best way to take yourself to your teacher. Not only will it pinpoint the loopholes of essay 1, it also makes an internal assessment for your entire academic performance.
Better performance in the future
Remember this is your permanent help for the future. You will always try to avoid the mistakes in essay 1. Your writing skills and imagination will be better. If you can take the feedback positively and learn from the mistakes you can become way better a writer than today.
Parting thoughts
Self reflection is a crucial component not only in studying your syllabus but studying your life too. Take this assignment most sincerely and it will reflect in your grades to a great extent.
Author’s Bio: Robert Smith is a digital educator, and academic counsellor working on behalf of a reputable firm in Australia. He is currently associated with the academic writing services platform MyAssignmenthelp.com. Also, he is a fitness trainer and yoga teacher.