Carpets at our home are one of the most precious of all the home decors. It is because of that that they are large, delicate and are made up of intricate designs and patterns. They cover a great part of the flooring and look adorable. Many people even have highly delicate and expensive ones like Persian, Iranian, or European finishes. These rugs have fine details of embroidery and are beautiful in homes. They bring that extra needed charm to the house and make the home look elegant.
Maintenance of Carpet Albuquerque is essential so that their life is long-lasting. Effective cleaning, maintenance of the rug is of utmost importance. Since carpets are large and heavy it is pretty difficult to get them cleaned. Yet it is important to clean them regularly for their effective maintenance. This task is not very easy and requires due precision and care. Proper tricks and tips have to follow to clean the carpet properly. Below mentioned are some of the important points for increasing the life of the carpet:
1) Scrub it off: It is important to clean the rug properly at least once in 15 days. You can follow the traditional way of cleaning- with water and soap. Simply place your carpet in the bathroom or your washing area. Start to pour water and scrub that dirt with a brush. Just remember not to use the normal detergent or soap, as it could lead to discoloration of the rug. Try to use specific liquid detergents for the rug. Also never be rigorous while using the brush otherwise, it could lead to unfortunate ruining of the threads inside it. Keep your hand soft and never be rigorous. Focus more on the corners of the rug as it is the dirtiest part of it.
2) Treat spots immediately: As and when a drink or any food particle gets spilt on it treats it. If you delay the cleaning, it could lead to permanent spots on the rug. If a liquid is spilt on it, bloat it immediately with a blotting paper or cotton cloth. You can also follow some basic home remedies to clean that area more effectively. Soak the liquid by spreading baking soda on it. The soda absorbs extra liquid from it and the stain gets lighter. After this, if the stain persists, you can use lemon or vinegar to scrub it off. For food particles, first of all, remember not to rub them, otherwise, they will spread and make the condition. Pick that item with due care and after that scrub the stain with lemon, vinegar or soap. Sometimes, sticky material like chewing gum gets stuck on it. You can follow the freezing method to treat it. Just put an ice cube piece on it and let the chewing gum freeze. After 10-15 minutes, use a knife to remove it. In the case of wax, you can go for the heating method, where you have to heat the wax and let it soften. Bloat it on a cotton cloth after this. These methods will help to tackle spills problems without any stain getting permanent.
3) Vacuum it regularly: Cleaning your rug with a vacuum cleaner regularly is important to maintain hygiene. A vacuum cleaner helps to suck everyday dirt from the carpet without damaging any thread of the rug. It also helps to suck small hairs from the carpet which get stuck on it. Focus more on corner areas as it has the highest amount of dirt stuck on it. This is because it comes first in contact with the floor and small hair or dirt gets stuck to the threads of the rug.
4) Keep it in the sun: Sunlight can ease your task substantially. Keep it under the sun once a week. This helps to reduce any odor from the carpet. It makes your carpet feel like a new one and increases its life. However, remember not to keep the rug for a long time as it can lead to discoloration and even weakening of the threads of the carpet. You can also beat your rug in the sunlight. This helps dirt to come out of the rug. You can use a smooth wood piece or even a cloth to beat it. Just remember not to be too vigorous on the rug, otherwise, it could lead to creases on the rug and even destroy the threads.
5) Dry cleaning: Regular professional cleaning is also advisable. They have the proper equipment and our carpet properly from every edge. Dry cleaning the carpet makes it look like a newly bought one and increases its lustre. Deep cleaning is very important to maintain the hygiene of the rug besides increasing the life of the carpet.
6) Rotation: It is important to rotate your rug frequently. This helps to prevent any creases or permanent marks of heavy furniture on it. Creases or bends attract more dirt as compared to other areas and it becomes difficult to clean them. Hence to prevent this, fold and change the position of the carpet frequently. For cleaning the dirt inside the bends, use liquid soap for the rug and pour it inside the bend for some time. Once the dirt softens, use a brush to scrub the dirt off. Never be rigorous on it, as the bends are fragile and it could lead to the breaking of the carpet if too much force is used for rubbing it.
Since carpets are one of the most excellent home decors, people love to purchase them. For those looking for rug cleaning in albuquerque, the city has ample variety and represents ethnic diversity. The intricate and beautiful designs are simply amazing and one cannot resist purchasing them. However, it is important to maintain it properly to increase its lifespan. Proper and effective cleaning along with regular vacuuming is highly important. The shine and luster of the rug can be maintained by getting it dry cleaned at proper intervals which polish your lifetime investment.