Videos have become one of the most popular and fastest-growing mediums to consume information online. The proof of its success can be gauged by the fact that almost all the mainstream social media platforms have integrated videos in their messaging platform and are actively promoting the use of videos by creating a video-friendly environment. As it is among the latest trends, you can also use custom videos to enjoy a distinct position in the digital arena. Here are will discuss some of the major benefits of publishing custom videos and how to gain the optimum benefits out of the same by adopting the best strategies:
Instant message delivery to the site visitors
Research proves that digesting any information becomes easier when presented in video format rather than text format. It is because we human beings are engineered to process the scene and heard information more easily. So, it is a great strategy to strategically incorporate videos into your website or text blogs to help your readers absorb the information faster which will keep them committed to your blog.
Easily creating engaging substance online
Custom videos not only help audiences to focus better on the information you wish to provide them but also influence the search engine rankings by increasing engagement rate and stay duration. With custom videos you can persuade your audiences in multiple ways like visuals, audio, and animation, to spend more time on your blog. It also increases the chances of getting more clicks on contextual ads.
Adding a strong trust component to your statements
As opposed to the text only contains the videos actually show (and not just tells) your viewers the message you want to deliver thus strengthening the trust component. Moreover, the audiences don’t have to read through posts or decipher the meaning of different phrases before they get to the essence of your posts. Your videos take this “heavy lifting” out of the process and make things easier and quicker for the audience. Moreover, videos offer you extended control over presenting your value presentation as you are actively pushing the message into the audiences’ mindset instead of asking them to pull it by reading the text post.
In short the videos are forms of active engagement that enables readers to understand and retain the information for longer.
Enhance your SERPs ranking
To constantly increase the potential of your videos, you need to constantly update them. While frequently updating videos is a demanding task, you can look for other easier alternatives. For instance, you can add the targeted keywords, update the description, add new tags and change the title. Every new change you make naturally attracts the search engine’s attention and to some degree also impacts your ranking potential.
Bond better with a wider set of net users
Along with adding video to your main site, you also need to start a YouTube channel. It provides you a better opportunity to build direct relations with a far wider set of audiences and improves your SEO profile over time. Also, it is important to share your videos across the right digital avenues like Facebook, Instagram, and other popular social media platforms. It will allow you to gain more visibility and widen your brand influence to diverse demographics.
Adding entertainment to your videos for better engagement
While people love to watch informative videos, they can easily get bored if your video doesn’t have any fun element or at least a few pinches of humor here and there. So, except for the legal and purely technical videos, make it a point to add some entertainment components to your videos to make them more engaging and appealing to the audiences.
It not only helps you to connect better with your audiences but may also make your posts go viral depending upon the quality, topic, audience reaction, and other relevant factors. Needless to say, it is extremely easy to understand and remember something when it is told in a humorous, entertaining manner rather than a boring theoretical manner.
Building a strong company personality
The modern enterprises emphasize the best features of their company- be it the rapport shared by the employees, picnic trips, unlimited cups of coffee, passionately working on projects until they reach the perfection point, and adding distinct value propositions. However, this information is so often repeated by so many companies that many audiences have almost ceased to believe it. So, you can deliver the same message through video clips. Show the “human face” of your enterprise to your audiences and prospects by posting your employees; videos on your website and YouTube channel.
An easier way to convince your visitors
One of the major concerns of the prospective buyers, clients and partners are how your company is going to deal with their projects. Here the major challenge is to make them believe that not only you- as an owner are committed to your customers’ interests but this passion is shared by your entire team including different tiers of employees like managers, executives, and decision-makers. You can easily accomplish this by creating videos of your staff members in action. Show them how dedicatedly they take their work.
Include the videos of positive customer testimonials and also create videos of your best employees being honored either by senior management or external authorities. All such videos build trust among the audiences that they are dealing with an honest and competent brand.
Organic shares across different demographics
While there is no precise science to make each of your videos viral, you can certainly increase the probabilities of the same by appropriately empowering your audiences to do so. The first step is to publish or share your original videos on YouTube.
Also, add a social sharing button to the videos that you publish on your site. People love to share the good things with their friends and families d by offering them a quick easy way to do that you can easily multiply the chances of your video being promoted quickly and on a wider scale. At the same time, you can also include a modest reminder at the end of each video clip asking the visitors to share it if they liked it. Such small steps can go a long way in strengthening the viral potential of your video.
Add precise and clear CTAs to prompt action
It is also a good strategy to create more focused videos from time to time and adding clear CTAs that prompt readers to take instant action. By using well-designed social media campaigns and ads you can expand your reach to global audiences. It also allows you to optimize the visibility of your videos to the most relevant audiences who are more likely to take action.
Enjoy a distinguished position
Not too many enterprises are equipped with the required resources, talent, and creative proficiency to produce engaging videos. It creates a vacuum that you can fill by producing appealing videos with high-quality effects, a perfect story flow, and all the right elements to build engagement. It will help you gain an upper hand over your competitors. With audience-friendly catchy videos, you can establish your unique identity in the industry and use this advantage to gain deeper market traction.
Turn random visitors into regular subscribers
While building traffic is the main concern of any website, you also need to focus on regular visits to earn the loyalty of your audiences. Posting custom videos on your website and other relevant channels helps you to achieve this. It allows you to expose audiences to the key takeaways and unique value proposition of your audience. It also offers you a better opportunity to actively influence their purchase decisions and thus increase the sales potential of your business.
When it comes to building regular visits, nothing works as effectively as publishing exciting and informative videos presented in an engaging format. Such custom video clips are especially effective when your major intent is to educate your visitors, deliver the specific information or make them aware of various issues. Whether it is about using your product/services to their best potential or making audiences aware of the challenges that your product can solve and how will that benefit their persona/professional lives- no other format can compete with custom video clips.
Use quick, compact, and power-packed videos
That said, some factors like presentation and duration can directly impact the real potential of your video in both positive and negative ways. Overloaded information, lack of consistency, and lengthy presentations hardly impress the audiences and in many cases it compels the audiences to click the close, back, or stop button. So, slice your information in small digestible bites and add some entertaining elements as far as possible. Animation and analogies can help your videos to better align with the viewers’ understanding and inclination. So, avoid overstretching your videos at any cost. Try to pack your message in a compact format and deliver it as precisely as possible using an appealing presentation.
Be committed to your major objectives
When producing an interesting video clip ist is easy to get carried away by the creative quotient of it and miss your key objectives. SO, it is always best to write down your KPIs and the major deliverables of the videos before producing any clip. Throughout the production and marketing process keep on checking if and how far your video complies with the goal you originally set. It will make you stay close and committed to your business objectives and thus increase the overall Roi of the efforts, resources, and time you invest in producing and marketing the video.
Creating custom videos allows you to present valuable information to your visitors in an appealing format. It offers tons of benefits to your site which is simply not possible with text-only blogs. Due to its high acceptance rate and a better option for influencing the mindset of viewers, custom videos are extensively used across the world. In this post, we discussed some of the major benefits of custom videos and how to use them the right way to gain optimum advantages.