It is challenging for the students to sit down calmly and work on their assignments. As they remain involved with multiple activities, it becomes difficult to focus at one. Also, the lack of time and knowledge make it difficult to complete the assignment in the desired manner. This results in scoring poor grades. Here are some steps that will assist you in developing good academic practice and improving your grades. Also, do not forget about the feedback you received from your professor regarding your previous assignments.
Go Through The Assignments Thoroughly
The first task is to analyze the assignment title as we noticed that students just read the question and start working on the composition process. Our experts advise that the students should focus on the question’s specificity. Moreover, if you also get the marking criteria with the question file, you should follow that marking criterion while conducting your research and heading towards the composition process. Then, break down the question into sections and research them.
Collection Of Sources From The Authentic Sites
It is necessary to add credible information; for that, you should read as widely as possible to get to know about the best sources available on the internet. Moreover, pay attention to the module reading list and make sure that you cite the updated references in your assignment. You should go for authentic sites such as Google Scholar, government sites, where you will find accurate data concerning your assignment. Also, the journals research papers you should cite in your assignment should be published within five years.
Ensure To Engage With The Appropriate Primary Texts
In several disciplines, there will be primary texts that play a crucial role in your assignments, such as historical sources, Biblical text, and many more. It would be best to reflect that your knowledge is rooted in those primary sources instead of reflecting the main idea inspired by secondary sources.
Note Down The Notes In An Organized Manner
Rather than following a time-consuming approach, you can follow an SQ3R methodology. First, begin with the survey go through the table content, Introduction, and conclusion. Get an idea about the content you require; based on that decide whether you want to read the whole book or not. Make sure that the book you choose as your resource is relevant for your solution or research in the future. Go through the required content given in the book thoroughly by connecting with the primary source. Avoid writing everything in your notebook; develop a strategic approach while making your notes. Note down the key points, and construct your argument with the help of those pointers. Review your notes, and collect the data and how it helped you upgrade your knowledge and skills concerning the course.
Planning Your Body Paragraphs Before Writing Your Solution
Body paragraphs play a vital role in your assignment. You mustn’t reflect a merely narrative account without any inspection. A good plan will assist you in organizing your data for upcoming assignments. In several assignments, you need to advance an argument with a coherent structure. Thus, it will assist you in composing a thesis statement that provides a brief concerning your response to the question.
Start Writing As Per The Planning
The opening paragraph of the solution should not follow a generic approach. Rather, it should include a brief of your complete solution file. The other body paragraphs should be divided as per the marking criteria shared by the professor. As the highlighters, you can use the tables and graphs to reflect your idea more clearly. And the conclusion should comprise the summary of the whole argument and the questions related to further research.
Cite The Sources As Per The Citation Preferred By The University
Avoid citing too many quotes in your assignment. Instead, you can mention the secondary and primary sources with your argument as your base because this will reflect your understanding of the text you read. Furthermore, avoid plagiarism in your assignment; it can lead to the cancellation of your assignment submission. To avoid that, you have to cite the sources in your bibliography and for the ideas that inspired you, go for in-text citation. All the direct quotations comprising less than three lines can be indicated with quotation marks. Whereas for the longer quotes, it should be indented on both sides and single line paced. It does not require quotation marks.
Start Writing Your Draft
Now, you are clear about what to write. There is no need to follow the chronological order of Introduction, body paragraphs, and then conclusion. As it is your first draft, you can start writing the section you seem comfortable with. Avoid using informal language in your assignment and get inspired by the scholarly writing.
Revise, Edit And Proofread Your Assignment
When you are done with the draft of the assignment, revise your assignment. Read it again to find the unnecessary points you added to your assignment. Check the language of the assignment, which includes spelling and grammatical errors. Correct those errors, as the professor easily finds such mistakes in the assignments, leading to marks deduction. Including the assignment, format includes front size, page numbering, and all. Also, the referencing part, where most of the students commit errors. Keep all these things in mind while reviewing the assignment.
Submit Your Assignment And Wait For The Professor’s Feedback
Take note that the assignment is submitted within the deadline by following the marking criteria. Input from the professor plays a major role, as it will help you to improve your grades. Connect with your professor concerning the repeated errors and it will help to resolve such silly errors on your own. Moreover, it will help you to meet your professor expectations.
Those are the guidelines you can follow while writing the assignments if you still face any queries concerning your assignment’s composition or want to enhance your writing skill. Then, you can connect with assignment help Canada.