7 Dominating Trends That Will Shape The Future Of eLearning

Global Market Insights predicts the eLearning market to exceed USD 1 trillion by 2027. About 81% of US college students alone agree that online learning technology has helped them enhance their grades significantly. Again, online learning curriculums are seen to boost the learning retention rates by 25%-60%.

eLearning is here to stay. Dusty blackboards, specked overhead projectors, and over-saturated photocopies sound like most students’ educational experience. However, take solace in knowing the fact that such traditional schools are the days of the past.

Even before the COVID-19 pandemic, the eLearning industry was expanding at a rapid pace. But now, with the closure of most educational institutions and businesses, online learning has become indispensable. So, instead of developing as a niche concept in the education realm, it is swiftly becoming the dominant means to pass on knowledge to all age individuals. However, since it is still quite a new concept, it is still evolving and changing constantly.

To that end, in today’s blog post, we have identified certain trends that we believe will shape the future of the educational landscape in the eLearning age for good.

Let’s dive straight in!

7 Top Trends to Watch out for in Educational Landscape In The eLearning Age

  • Mobile Learning

A CNBC study strongly asserts that by 2025, almost ¾ of the web population will access the internet solely through their smartphones.

This massive increase in mobile usage will only lead to improved accessing training and learning content via mobile devices in education soon. Mobile learning is going to remain in the market for a long time due to its incredible benefits. Like, it enables learners to learn new things at their convenience. Furthermore, educators can track the activity of their students anytime.

  • Adaptive Learning

The global adaptive learning market is predicted to grow from USD 1.9 billion to USD 5.3 billion by 2025 at a CAGR of 22.7%. In the present era, eLearning serves as a remarkable educational model that offers incredible customization and flexibility. Learners can set their own pace and learning time at their convenience.

Adaptive learning will take this further in the future educational landscape enabling greater customization of learning and testing content. These programs are much capable of adapting to the pace and needs of every learner. They can assimilate data points like time taken, level of ease with the course, and more. With the aid of this learning style, students can easily access modified courses. Furthermore, they may take tests based on their weaknesses and even avail extra resources to enhance their learning.

  • Microlearning

In 2020, EdApp Microlearning LMS reported a 700% increase in monthly active users from 2019 to 2020. If the words of top deductive essay help stalwarts are anything to go by, then microlearning is an impeccable educational trend that is moving beyond the scope of eLearning. To put it simply, it is the breaking down of educational content into multiple modules. This will lessen the number of content learners get in one go.

The variety of the format of microlearning modules can increase student retention by notches with the reduction of monotony. Students today tend to have brief attention spans and are pressed for time. Hence, with smaller chunks of information, the learning will improve significantly. Micro-learning is a unique educational technique implemented beyond online learning and is gradually making its way into learning programs.

  • Gamification

Game-based learning in higher education will experience significant growth of 15.4% from 2019 to 2024. In addition, 67% of students reported gamified learning to be more motivating and engaging than traditional courses.

Gamification or game-based learning is another exemplary technique that is gaining prominence in digital learning. It is a kind of eLearning that aims to make the learning process more enjoyable. However, it isn’t all about fun and games. It offers proven benefits once a subject has been introduced. It offers instant application and interaction with the material. When a student’s knowledge is enhanced, so do their engagement, retention, grades, and general enjoyment in the classroom.

Considering the diverse range of outcomes, game-based solutions will be continued in traditional and digital classrooms in the future.

  • Augmented and Virtual Reality

80% of students are more likely to attend an AR-based class. 54% of educators and 41% of parents desired an increased presence of virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) solutions in the classroom, as per a Lenovo survey.

Graphical overlays, 360-degree images, and an explorable interface are only a few eLearning uses for augmented and virtual reality. The ancient paradigm of your professors scribbling on the blackboard has been chucked out the window. AR and VR allow educators to immerse the pupils in their lessons on any discipline extensively. Furthermore, it helps in elevating other aspects of online learning to new heights. The mix of AR and VR, video learning, gamification and mobile learning has made education immersive like never before. This unique technology is developing, so expect to see this eLearning trend continue for a long time and shape the educational scenario.

  • Artificial Intelligence

The global AI in the education market is predicted to reach USD 3.68 billion by 2023, at a CAGR of 47% by 2023.

Artificial intelligence has already outgrown its reputation as the evil mastermind behind HAL 9000 and the Y2X box. As per top forums from where you buy term paper online, AI has found a place in online learning with Apple’s Siri and our everyday text-based chatbots. Apart from guiding students through courses with basic smartphone commands, AI can inform learning forecasts and on-the-fly personalization, proving adaptive learning concepts.  Seeing the prevalence of AI in the various areas outside the education sector, the potential applications for this appear to be unlimited at the moment.

  • Learning and Development

Apart from lesson planning and accurate implementation, learning management systems aid teachers and other behind-the-scenes figures to assimilate actionable data and other analytic factors. Thus, learning and development, or L & D for short, is a remarkable management strategy that links individuals performance to larger institutional goals.

Gamification, augmented reality, video learning, microlearning, social learning, and adaptive learning processes were all borne out of data-driven indications of success. As eLearning trends continue upward, the role played by L & D, and data analytics will only continue to expand at an exponential rate.

Final Thoughts

It’s incredible to see how far the education industry has already grown and evolved due to eLearning, from the usage of CD-ROMS to immersive learning. The trends covered above are just a few ones that will shape the industry hugely and pave the way for more advancement to come. eLearning is revolutionizing how we think about knowledge transfer, and we are very excited to see how much further it will go.

Author Bio  

Alley John is a tech geek and a famous blogger from the USA. Professionally, He has worked as a prolific paper editor and has been a proud member of MyAssignmenthelp.com for 10+ years.

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