Mothers are the best creation of God. No one can ever compete with the love that a mother showers on her children. It is the most unconditional love. Mothers spend their day and night just taking care of their children and their big or small needs. She knows it all.
But do many of us know our mothers well? Very few because we never bothered to know about her and appreciate her efforts that she put all her life on us.
We never gave it a thought that what our mothers actually want. Just giving them gifts on mothers day or wishing them is not enough. Mother’s day should be celebrated every day, and as children, it’s our moral responsibility to get to know our mothers and make them realise that they are our best friend and are very special to us. You can get her birthday cakeand a gift on her special days.
Whether it’s the mothers day, her birthday or just a random day, we should always try to keep our mothers happy in whatever ways we can. Because if a mother is happy, the whole house will be happy. So here are a few ways in which you can make your mother feel special every day.
Show your gratitude-
Our mother does a lot for us. But we never said thank you for her efforts. So from now on, thank her for everything that she does for you. Show her that she matters in your life. You don’t have to go overboard, but just a simple thank you will work.
Sing a song for her-
If you are planning to celebrate her birthday or mothers day, then you can sing a song for her. This will be a huge surprise, and she will feel elated. It’s the best way to make her feel important and special in your life.
Help her-
Mothers work day and night for everyone in the house. She never takes breaks, even on Sundays and holidays. Being a mother is the toughest job. She is always overloaded with household chores and hardly takes out time for her. She will appreciate it if you can share her load and let her feel relaxed for a while.
Cook for her-
Cooking is art, and your mom does that for you daily. But when was the last time you cooked something for her? Try it now. Give her a break from the kitchen, and try cooking something for her. Many times your mother gets your breakfast in bed. So now it’s your turn to do the same for her. Cook something really simple if you are not much into cooking and serve it in bed. She will really feel happy and special. You don’t have to do this on her birthday or mothers day. You can do this on a random day.
Give her a break-
Mothers never take breaks or holidays from their responsibility. They do it throughout the year, even on Sundays. You can take responsibilities on your shoulders for a day and give her a break. On this day you can plan a spa for her or a massage.
Take her shopping-
Women love shopping, and so do our mothers. So why not take her shopping on weekends wherever she wants? You can further plan lunch or dinner at her favorite restaurant.
Get her gifts-
Not just on her birthday, anniversary or mothers day, get her some gift even on random days. You can get her even a flower while returning from your school, college or work. You can order something of her choice online. There is birthday cake andflower delivery available online these days from shopping websites.
I hope you liked and found the article helpful. We make time for our girlfriend, boyfriend, friends and family but never take time for our mothers. So apart from all the things mentioned above, take some out for your mother and just sit and talk to her.