Top 5 Reasons to Steam Clean Your Carpets
You’ve just bought your new furniture and you’re super excited to bring it home, but before you do, there’s one more thing to do first…steaming the carpets. Yes, you read that right! Steaming your carpets not only freshens up the carpet and makes it look like new again, but it also deep cleans the dirt and grime out of your carpet’s fibres so that you can avoid bacteria buildup in the future. Here are five top reasons why you should steam clean your carpets with our professionals at Carpet Cleaning Milton Keynes
1) Maintaining carpets is easier
Because carpets get dirty, it is important to maintain your carpets. Because of their fibrous structure, carpets tend to absorb dirt more easily than most other floor coverings. It is, therefore, more important to vacuum them on a regular basis in order to avoid dust and dirt build-up that can lead to scratches and unsightly stains. In addition, steam cleaning will leave your carpet fibres intact. Steam cleaners are less likely than dry cleaners or vacuums, for example, to damage your carpet fibres or void their warranty.
2) Healthier carpets
When you steam clean your carpets, you’re not only removing dirt and grease. You’re also killing dust mites and other pests that may be contributing to allergies. Healthier home: If your house is particularly dusty or dirty, having your carpets cleaned regularly can help mitigate potentially harmful side effects of all that dirt on both you and your family’s health. A boost in happiness: Who doesn’t love coming home to a house that smells fresh? Steaming can really freshen up a space and make it more pleasant for everyone inside, even if nobody else but you notice when you do it. Fewer allergens: Studies have shown that cleaning products can cause asthma attacks in young children who have allergies.
3) Saves money in the long run
Getting your carpets steam cleaned regularly will not only make them last longer, but it’ll also save you money. Dirty carpets can cause allergies, which lead to other problems like sleepless nights and sickness. By having your carpets professionally cleaned regularly, you won’t have to worry about getting sick, saving you a lot of time and money on doctor bills and medicine. Save some time: Aside from saving some serious cash in monthly expenses, regular cleaning will give you more free time by taking care of another task in one fell swoop. With busy lives that many of us lead today, anything that makes life easier is a great thing.
4) Eliminates odours
Steam cleaning effectively removes dirt and dust from your carpets, which can build up over time. Dirt and debris act as a breeding ground for bacteria, which can leave you feeling sick when you spend time in your home. Allergens and harmful particles found in carpeting are one of the most common causes of asthma symptoms, so if you have kids or pets it’s especially important to keep your carpets clean. If you don’t regularly steam clean your carpets, consider switching to an affordable weekly service that does. A professional carpet cleaner will use powerful equipment designed specifically for cleaning flooring and will extract moisture from deep within carpet fibres leaving behind a fresh deodorised scent that lasts.
5) Gives you peace of mind
In addition to cleaning your carpets and removing stains, a steam cleaning service will help you keep dust mites, pollen, and pet dander at bay. When it comes time for allergy season (or you see telltale signs of a cold or flu), your home should be as clean as possible. A professional carpet cleaning company will leave your carpets cleaner than they’ve been in months—if not years. You’ll sleep better knowing that your house is healthier—and cleaner—than it’s been in some time. Here are four more reasons to invest in a carpet cleaning service today!
If your carpets are in need of a professional clean then contac Carpet Cleaning Milton Keynes on 01908 849656