9 strategies on preparing a dissertation introduction
Writing a dissertation is possibly the most elaborate task that you’ll have to take in your academic career. And while every section of your dissertation needs to be perfect for you to score well, you must pay special attention to the introductory section.
This is the section that sets the stage for the rest of your paper. Also, the introduction is the first thing your professors will notice. This makes it all the more important to put emphasis on this part of your dissertation.
Presented below are some steps that you can use to craft your dissertation introduction.
- Narrate a simple story to illustrate where your writing will go
A short anecdote is a great way to draw your readers into your paper. However, it needs to be relevant to your topic, or you’ll end up creating confusion for the readers.
An anecdote can be real fictional, but you need to convey it like you’re narrating a story to your near and dear ones, though you still have to keep the tone professional.
- Consider referring to keywords
When you write a dissertation for your class, you’ll be required to submit it along with a series of keywords. These keywords will offer a clear indication of the areas of research you’ll be addressing. You may also have some key terms in your title which you want to emphasize and establish in your introduction.
If you were writing a history dissertation about the impact of the First World War on Great Britain, you should mention those keywords in your first few lines.
- Use the existing literature to provide context
Based on the overall length of your dissertation, it’ll be necessary to incorporate a review of the existing literature already published in your chosen field. This is an essential element of your paper that highlights that you have a solid understanding of the topics discussed in your area.
You don’t need to explain that you have a thorough knowledge but that you’re engaging in the particular discussions that are connected to your own research. It’s also crucial to be concise in the introduction, so provide an overview of recent developments in the primary research instead of a lengthy discussion.
- Use the literature to highlight your contribution
A concise but comprehensive understanding of the existing literature can be an effective way to frame your own dissertation. As you develop the introductory section, you can move from the literature to focus on your work and its position related to the broader scholarship.
By using the existing work as references, you can highlight explicitly the particular contribution you’re making to contribute in your chosen field further. You can find a gap in the existing research and explain how you’re acknowledging it and taking it further.
- Use the existing materials to focus on your contribution
A concise but clear overview of the existing literature can be an effective way to frame your own research paper. As you develop your introduction, you can transition from the existing literature to emphasize your own work and its relevance in the broader context.
By highlighting the existing work, you can show the specific contribution you are contributing to the progress of this field going forward. You can look for a gap in the existing materials and explain how you’re addressing it and taking the research forward.
- Highlight your research questions
Once you have highlighted where your research is justified into your particular field, you can narrow down the research questions for your dissertation. These questions have to be presented keeping the earlier sections of the introduction in mind and shouldn’t be surprising to the readers.
The research question or questions typically appear towards the end of the introduction and has to be concise and clear. The questions might rehash some of the keywords mentioned in the first few sentences of the introductory section and the title of your paper.
- Present your hypothesis or thesis statement
After you have highlighted your research questions, you need to prepare a coherent hypothesis or your thesis statement. This is a statement that indicates how your dissertation will make a particular contribution and have a proper outcome instead of just covering a broader topic.
You should properly discuss how you came to this hypothesis or the thesis statement in a way that highlights the existing research. If possible, don’t use the word “hypothesis” and write it in a manner that makes it abundantly dissertation assistance clear.
- Write your introduction after you write the paper
It’s normal for some students to write the main sections of the dissertation first and then go back to and write the introduction. It’s more convenient to present a general overview of your paper when you’ve already elaborated on all the details.
As you write your dissertation, you may wish to take note of things to include in your introduction. For instance, you may realize that you’re using a specific term that you need to define in your introduction.
- Structure your introduction effectively
An introduction follows a set formula and will consist of the same basic elements regardless of your topic or academic discipline. While it’s short, it presents a lot of information. The first sentence or two should be the hook presented to attract your reader’s attention and get them intrigued in reading your paper.
The next couple of sentences bridge the gap between your hook and the topic of the rest of your paper. Conclude your introduction with your thesis statement and ideas you’ll highlight in your paper to support that thesis statement.
Often putting together an introduction can seem like an arduous affair. To avoid any confusion, you must remember all the steps mentioned above. These steps will enable you in presenting an introduction that helps you gain the appreciation of your professor.
Author bio: Peter Lafferty is a guest lecturer for a notable university in Australia. Lafferty has pursued his Ph.D. in Sociology from Murdoch University. He has an affinity for writing and public speaking. He’s also an esteemed member of MyAssignmenthelp.com and offers dissertation proofreading services to students seeking help.