Nails are made of protein, they are very sensitive to protein diet. I wrote an article about Protein Diet few years ago. Nowadays i am using this homemade scrub for my nails which is made of sugars and oils along with natural ingredients for strong nails.
This is one part of the whole process that is very effective in strengthening your nails naturally. The other parts include painting them with henna, massaging your cuticles daily and treating them often with coconut oil.
Ingredients & Method: Take few teaspoons of castor sugar or any organic sugar, add 2-3 drops of olive oil in it. Mix both the ingredient thoroughly in a bowl with spoon making sure there are no lumps left. You can also add few drops of lemon or orange oil in it for extra shine.
Apply the scrub to your nails and rub it on finger skin, cuticle area with gentle finger massage until you can feel grains. Leave it for 10 minutes then wash them under running water. Repeat this process at least 2-3 times a week for healthy strong nails. You will see visible results within few days only 🙂
The good thing about this nail scrub is that it strengthens your cuticles too! So even if you have thin nails there are still chances to grow long healthy natural nails due to its moisturizing properties. It can be applied on toe nails too but make sure not to cause any scratches on the skin when massaging with sugar particles as they are very harsh on nails as well as skin. After washing this scrub with water it can be applied on nails as a moisturizer for shiny texture.
How can i prevent my nails from breaking?
Well for this you have to follow the Healthy Diet plan that i wrote in Protein diet to maintain protein level in your body. It is very essential for preventing our nails from breaking. Also, if you are a woman then never go for any type of pain treatments on them like Acrylic or Gel because they make your nails weak and thin due to chemical presence in it. These materials harm your nails by making them thinner which make them more prone to breakage when exposed to harsh environment.
How can i get rid of Cuticle?
Making homemade scrub with luke warm water and Sugar Scrub is one best example, apply it on the cuticle area for some minutes then wash with lukewarm water. You can also use Cuticle Remover Pen for this purpose which is available in market, just place it on your cuticles and lift them away. However always remember to apply cream or lotion after doing any treatment on nails as it makes them dry, so moisturize them immediately after cleaning with cream or oil.
How can i strengthen my nails naturally?
 One of the best way is applying homemade scrub on your nails, you can prepare one easily by mixing organic sugar with drops of olive oil. Regular application makes your nails strong and healthy.
How to get rid of white Lines on Nails?
These lines may be appear due to aging process or even lack of calcium and protein in your diet. So try to increase those food items which are rich in these ingredients like Almonds, Spinach or Milk etc. You can also apply homemade scrub on them daily for some minutes to reduce the view of white lines on nails as well as it makes them strong too 🙂
How can i moisturize my Cuticles?
Apply some cuticle oil before going to bed at night because this is the time when your skin absorbs moisture more efficiently. If you do not have any cuticle oil then make a thick paste by mixing equal parts of olive oil and Vaseline petroleum jelly, apply it at night before sleep with gentle massage. # What kind of Nail Polish Remover i should use? Well removers which are acetone free are best for nails, i prefer to use non acetone based nail polish removers which does not dry out my nails. Also if you follow the above mentioned tips in this article then you will not need any kind of Nail Polish Remover in future 🙂
Can i grow long nails with healthy cuticles?
Yes, it is possible by following all steps mentioned in this article like making Homemade Scrub with sugar & oil, applying it on your nails 2-3 times a week after washing hands properly. It is simple solution of strengthening your nails naturally that will also help you to get rid of cuticle problem. Another very good thing is that homemade scrub even makes your skin soft and smooth too, so make sure to use it regularly for best results.
How to get rid of Cuticle?
You can use Cuticle Remover Pen which is readily available in market, just place it on your cuticles and lift them away. However always remember to apply cream or lotion after doing any treatment on nails as it makes them dry, so moisturize them immediately after cleaning with cream or oil.
How can i strengthen my nails naturally?
Homemade scrub with sugar & olive oil is one example, try to prepare this scrub at home using natural ingredient because most commercial scrubs are full of harmful chemicals that causes problem instead of solving them. You have ingredients required in your kitchen only, let’s see how to prepare this wonderful scrub in simple steps : – Take 1 table spoon each of organic sugar and Olive oil, mix it well then apply on your nails for 5-10 minutes, you can do it once or twice a week.