Stomach pain is a very common symptom that occurs mainly due to gastritis, and is often accompanied by other symptoms, such as vomiting, nausea, a burning sensation in the stomach, and gas. In addition to gastritis, other situations that can cause stomach pain are reflux, the presence of stomach ulcers or gastroenteritis, for example.
When the stomach pain is persistent and strong or the person has vomit with blood or black stools with an intense smell, it is important to consult the gastroenterologist so that he can carry out the studies that confirm the cause of the pain and, thus, can indicate the most appropriate treatment Depending on the case.
1. Gastritis
Gastritis is one of the most frequent causes of stomach pain, being also accompanied in most cases by gas in the form of belching or flatulence, general malaise, a burning sensation in the stomach and abdominal discomfort, for example. Learn more about how to identify the symptoms of gastritis.
Stomach pain caused by gastritis is normally related to the presence of the bacterium Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) in the stomach, because this microorganism can make digestion difficult, causing food to stay longer in the belly and cause the symptoms.
What to do: in the presence of symptoms and signs suggestive of gastritis, it is recommended to consult a gastroenterologist or general practitioner to carry out studies that confirm gastritis, and thus indicate some medications that promote the decrease in acid production, relieving symptoms, like omeprazole or esomeprazole, for example. Learn more medicines for gastritis.
2. Reflux
Reflux is a common condition that causes pain in the stomach, as well as a burning sensation and weight, belching and a dry cough after eating. Reflux symptoms usually appear within a few minutes after eating and occur due to the return of stomach contents into the esophagus towards the mouth, which can also result in a more bitter taste. For more information visit 胃痛症狀.
What to do: in these cases, it is important to seek the guidance of a gastroenterologist, who will carry out an evaluation of the symptoms presented and indicate the most appropriate medication to alleviate the symptoms, being normally indicated the use of medications that block gastric acidity, such as omeprazole and ranitidine.
In addition, changes in diet may also be indicated, which should be low in fat, alcoholic beverages and industrialized foods, in addition to the fact that it is also recommended to eat at least 3 hours before bedtime, since in this way it is possible to avoid the return of food content to the mouth. Learn more about reflux treatment.
3. Gastric ulcers
The ulcer in the stomach can form due to the presence of the H. Pylori bacteria in this organ or as a consequence of a diet rich in fat, industrialized products and acidic foods. Thus, as a consequence of the formation of this ulcer, it is common for some symptoms to appear, such as pain in the stomach, nausea, vomiting and abdominal discomfort.
What to do : if the presence of a gastric ulcer is identified, it is recommended to use antacid medications according to the doctor’s recommendation, since in this way it is possible to avoid stomach acidity, in addition to that it can also be indicated in some cases the use of medications to control pain.
4. Gastroenteritis
Gastroenteritis corresponds to inflammation of the intestine and stomach that can be caused mainly by microorganisms that can result in stomach pain, diarrhea, general malaise and headache, for example.
What to do : in these cases, it is important to drink plenty of fluids, such as water, tea and homemade serum, since in this way it is possible to maintain the hydration of the body and avoid dehydration, which is one of the most frequent complications of gastroenteritis . However, in cases where there is also frequent fever, chills or vomiting, it is recommended to go to the nearest emergency department so that the appropriate treatment can be indicated to prevent complications.
5. Anti-inflammatory Medicine
The prolonged or frequent use of some anti-inflammatory Medicine, such as ibuprofen, can have stomach pain as a side effect, this because this type of medicine can compromise the protection of the stomach, leaving its walls more exposed to the action of gastric acid.
What to do : To avoid stomach pain, you can take an acid production inhibitor, such as omeprazole or an antacid, to reduce pain and discomfort. These medications must be taken on an empty stomach to have the best effect. In addition, it is important not to take anti-inflammatories on an empty stomach, being more indicated to take them after meals or eat fruit or yogurt, for example.
6. After an endoscopy
It is common that after an endoscopy the person experiences pain in the stomach, since during the examination the doctor inserts a probe into the digestive tract that can make the throat and stomach a little uncomfortable, and can cause discomfort for a few hours. However, if the stomach pain lasts more than 48 hours, the person should be evaluated by a gastroenterologist to initiate the appropriate treatment. Learn more about how endoscopy is performed.
What to do : to relieve symptoms, you can take antacid medications or gastric protectors, for example, however, in case of vomiting and bleeding it is recommended to go to the emergency department as soon as possible.
7. Stomach cancer
Stomach cancer is a situation that arises in most cases as a consequence of a stomach ulcer, resulting in the appearance of symptoms such as persistent stomach pain, unexplained weight loss, vomiting and bloody stools, and loss of blood. Appetite.
What to do: in the presence of these symptoms it is important to consult the gastroenterologist as soon as possible to confirm the diagnosis, identify the severity and start the most appropriate treatment, which includes, in some cases, surgery to remove part of the stomach, and sessions of chemo and / or radiotherapy.
What to do to relieve stomach pain
What can be done to relieve stomach pain is:
Loosen clothing and sit or lie down in a quiet environment;
Take a congorosa tea, which is an excellent medicinal plant to treat stomach problems;
Eat a piece of raw potato because this is a natural antacid, without contraindications;
Place a bag of warm water on the stomach region to relieve pain;
Drink small sips of cold water, to hydrate and facilitate digestion.
Treatment for stomach pain should include a light diet based on salads, fruits and fruit juices, avoiding eating fatty foods and drinking alcoholic beverages.