A Buyer’s Guide to Baby Night Light Projectors or Baby Night Lights

You’re now in the world of baby night lights and projectors. You’re likely here because your baby isn’t sleeping well at night, or is sleeping at home in their room and you’re looking to find out whether these devices can help them to sleep more comfortably. You’d like to know what is the most effective one available (detailed in the list above) and also find out if there is any research for the use of these products with your infant. We’ve compiled a few quick questions and answers that are supported by scientific research by those who are experts on the area of baby sleep.

An evening light projection can definitely assist, however we believe that they should be used in a particular manner and with the correct colour or else the light projection may only make things worse.

Do night light projections aid babies sleep?

Yes and yes and. As per Sarah Ockwell Smith certain wavelengths of light have significant effect on sleep while other wavelengths can make it more difficult. What Sarah claims is that certain hues of light can aid in the production of Melatonin, while others can hinder its production of the hormone – Melatonin is commonly referred to as the hormone that induces sleep. The nighttime sleep experience is very different from a nap during the day.

The wavelengths and colors that are used

  • Total darkness
  • Warm tones like oranges , pinks and oranges
  • Red

The worst

  • Greens
  • Blues
  • Whites

So, it’s recommended that night light projection devices actually help babies go to sleep and help keep them sleeping for longer periods in complete darkness or in colours with red as the base.

The darkness is vital to sleep.

There’s no secret formula for putting a baby to sleep at night however one thing that can be neglected is the important complete darkness is to sleep. Lack of light triggers the release of hormones that induce sleep and night light can ruin the beneficial work, and actually it can make the whole process much more difficult. This is especially the case when certain wavelengths are utilized by the night light projection device like blues, whites and greens.

Despite the benefits of a nightlight, it’s not a substitute for total darkness, which is a challenge when your child has acquired a fear of the dark. Therefore, we suggest using red-based shades to ensure that they sleep through the night , if this is the case, and then turning the light off when they are in a dark area after they have fallen asleep.

Are patterns and shapes able to calm babies?

Yes the patterns and shapes created by the night light projectors can help to put babies to sleep , but not as you believe. The projection of patterns and shapes could aid in keeping your child’s attention during the night, and help keep them away from other things that might disturb them. If, for instance, your child is exhausted and cranky, the projection of patterns and shapes that move around the room could keep their attention for long enough to make them eventually fall asleep. If they are not distracted it is possible for them to start crying and screaming to be heard, which could last all night.

There are a few distractions of the patterns that have lovely warm colors and maybe white noise. Parents suddenly have strong allies in the fight to get a restful night’s sleep.

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About the Author: admin

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