Video walls are ideal for any auditorium use. But your selection has to be made from units are work best in dim light conditions. In general, experts will recommend LED screens if you have to set up the wall in the auditorium. The right controller selection and setup process is also important. These are visualization devices. If the visuals are not clear, then your money is wasted.
Making the right selection will often involve a lot of research. You have to compare a lot of salient features of these devices. It is advisable to seek expert opinion during the selection and setup process. Based on the use, you may have to select the right sized auditorium video wall solutions.
Important specs to consider in general
There may be hundreds of technical features that you may not possibly look into on your own. But a few essentials have to be decided in advance. You have to consider the graphic quality you may need the screen to display.
Apart from this, if you are purchasing an expensive quality product, then after purchase service is also important. In most auditoriums, the video wall displays will keep running for hours. You may have to focus on the device capacity.
Does the video wall or the controller unit get over-heated? These types may not be the right solution for use indoors. Response time and frequency are also important aspects.
Consider the bezel gap
This is one of the most important features that you cannot overlook when you have to set up a video wall indoors in the auditorium. This may depend on the type of screen you have selected to install indoors.
You always have two choices – LCD and TFT. Both types are not the same. For a clear and consistent display, the wall should have a minimum bezel gap in between the two screens. But if the video wall is being used on the walkways, then each screen can be placed at a greater distance.
Even in certain setups, wider bezel gaps are acceptable. Sao, you have to calculate the accurate bezel gap you need during the set-up stage.
Focus on the layout set-up
In each case, the layout will not be the same. You can have a vertical or horizontal set-up inside the auditorium. In each case, the controller unit and the walls may have to be set up in a different pattern. The controlling unit will also be adjusted based on the setup type.
You can also try and make use of a display that looks like one single large screen. The best advantage of using a video wall display unit is that they are easy to customize. You can make a setting to customize the contents and graphics you want to display.
Decide total walls you need
The most important part of the setup is to decide the total number of walls you want to use. You can customize the entire grid as per your requirements. You can add any number of screens to the wall. You can find the best auditorium video wall solutions that include multiple grids.
The size of the wall does not matter as long as you can mount them perfectly. Safety is important the moment you mount these walls. You may need to follow proper mounting techniques. Always ensure that you only get the job done by a professional team.
Consider sturdy wall
If you are combining multiple grids then you have to consider using an equal number of screens on both rows and columns. You can best create an entire grid using three by three screens. For horizontal alignment, you have to ensure proper support is provided.
The proper spacing in between each grid is also important. This space has to be reduced in case you need a very consistent picture quality.
For vertical alignment, you can try and mount the screens in between the frame. This will ensure that the wall is sturdy. It will also guarantee safety if the walls are in use.
Always insist on seeking support from the experts if you are not a technical person. All equipment and accessories have to be selected. You may also need a quality controller. This is why it is better to hire a good team for the entire installation process. Right set up at the location will guarantee quality display.