Who wants to have More Likes on Instagram and Facebook? | 8 Golden Tips

Instagram and Facebook

Whether it’s a freelancer like you or a big business, one of the main goals of any social media strategy is to get posts likes. And yes! With more and more people on social networks, you must create content that directly creates engagement with your audience. Whether you’re posting an image of a new product on Instagram or linking to your blog on Facebook, it’s essential that your audience interacts with your post. The first thing to do … Learn how to get more likes on Instagram and Facebook thanks to 8 golden tips (massive that shines)… Let’s go!

How to get more likes on Instagram and Facebook?

Your account doesn’t have many likes?

Now might be a good time to change your strategy, right?

You know…

When people interact with your content, you have a better chance of building relationships with those people.

In addition to building strong connections with your followers, those same people can then share your content with their followers, increasing your audience size.

And it’s not over…

When you get more likes on Instagram and Facebook, your post moves higher in users’ newsfeeds.

Gaining more likes on Instagram will also help ensure that your future posts get more exposure, as the platform’s algorithm works to show users more of what they’ve already shown interest in.

t can also provide an array of other benefits, like more followers and traffic, because people will check out your entire account if they like what you share…

If planned properly, likes can become an important part of your Instagram strategy Tips to get more likes on Instagram and Facebook

Do you know what distinguishes publications on social networks?

Some posts gain traction quickly while others get very little attention… 🤔

Many factors also come into play when it comes to engagement on different platforms…

But, let’s focus on Instagram and Facebook!

Here are 8 ways to get more likes on these 2 platforms :

  1. Post at the right time

First, to receive “Likes” on your publications, you must publish your content when people are active.

If you don’t post at an optimal time, your chances of getting people to see and like your posts will drop dramatically.

Sometimes it’s not a matter of great content, but more of a matter of people seeing it.

In terms of times, it varies, but generally, the best times to post on Facebook and Instagram are in the morning before 8 a.m., between 12 p.m. and 2 p.m. and between 6 p.m. and 10 p.m. 🕙

  1. Ask questions

Asking a question at the end of your Instagram or Facebook post gives your audience the opportunity to react and give their opinion.

Not only will asking questions generate comments (which often also result in likes), but it also allows you to obtain “Likes” adapted to your overall engagement.


Asking a question at the end of your post increases engagement as well as the number of likes.

The questions… people LOVE it! – They feel involved.

You can ask the opinion of your followers by asking them:

  • What is your favorite product?
  • Will you attend my event?
  • What do you think of this or that…?

Any of these direct questions will get an answer from your audience.

You can also ask specific questions that provoke a reaction – 😂👏…

The key to doing this is to ask a question that relates to emotion or is likely to be a favorable topic with a larger audience. for more information plz click here and grow your Instagram account?

⚠️ Ask simple questions that don’t require a lot of thought from your audience!

Overall, asking a question is a great way to start a conversation with your followers and build relationships with your prospects.

  1. Tag a popular page

By tagging a page or an account with a large audience, you increase your chances of exposure.

In addition, when you tag an influencer on Instagram or a page on Facebook, they receive a notification and can share your post with their followers…

Visibility +++!

Tagging a popular page or account is also beneficial because people are searching for the person or business you’re tagging.

You also appear in their searches because you tagged this page.

This technique can help you gain more likes on Instagram or Facebook because you are now more accessible to more people.

  1. Create great content

Here we are…

Producing great content is THE key to gaining more likes on social media.

Indeed, your content must resonate with your audience to motivate them to respond.

If your content is all bland, no matter what time of day you posted, it won’t bring a “heart” or “thumbs up” to your post!

Hard, hard, but that’s how it is!

Great content is subjective and varies from industry to industry, but you can get an idea of what your followers want by analyzing your stats and looking at posts that work with your competitors.

Yes! Gotta think about that!

Thanks to the information collected, you can see your most popular publications and reproduce this type of content. buyinstalikesuk

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About the Author: admin

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